Most victims of cancer believe that one of the many intimidating aspects of being diagnosed with this disease is having to undergo difficult treatments such as chemotherapy. Both short term and long term side effects can be harsh.  Chemotherapy is also a source of discomfort and there is a controversy to whether or not it is actually effective. Ultimately, there are several disadvantages to this form of treatment.


vThe worst disadvantages of chemotherapy are the short term negative side effects such as: nausea, diarrhea, constipation, dizziness and extreme discomfort. Although these side effects may only occur for a certain period after the initial treatment, they can certainly be severe and painful for the patient.
v  Hair loss is also evident after the chemotherapy treatment and it is one of the most upsetting side effects. There are different techniques to prevent hair loss, however, it is not recommended by physicians.  
v  Chemotherapy can also have an impact on an individual’s emotional state. Having gone through Chemotherapy is simply a constant reminder that cancer has once taken a toll on their lives, hence reality begins to kick in. This impact, however, can last for as long as possible depending on the patient.  
v  Chemotherapy may also lead to infertility which can affect a person’s ability to conceive a child.


v  A second disadvantage is that treatment is time-consuming.
v  Chemotherapy treatments can take hours, days, weeks or even several months.
v  In some cases, patients may have to spend the entire course of treatment at the hospital. It mostly depends on where the cancer is, how advanced it is and the patient's health.
v  Sometimes, one course of chemotherapy does not work and that is when another one is needed. The treatment process will therefore be longer than intended to be and plus, there is always a risk that the cancer may emerge after treatment has ended.