v A huge plus side to chemotherapy is that it helps control the spread of cancer cells throughout the body and cures come cancers almost completely.
v It is effective and the drugs are launched to the entire body to find every cancer cell that is amongst a patient.
v Due to reducing the spread of cancer cells throughout our bodies, it radically increases the chances of patients have longer and healthier lives.
v Moreover, through adjuvant chemotherapy, the chances of cancer occurring once again are reduced; therefore victims of cancer will have some sort of relief.
v The growing and reproducing of cancerous cells causes pressure in close by organs, nerves and blood vessels which eventually leads to soreness and discomfort. Killing the cancerous cells through the chemotherapy treatment ultimately alleviates these symptoms and provides more comfort to the body.
v Chemotherapy is a life changing treatment because without it, certain types of cancers will simply spread uncontrollably and not to mention, a great number of lives would be suffering.